Join us for Regular Services every Sunday at the church or, Live on Z00M at 10:00 AM.
For more information and the ZOOM Meeting Link email Pastor Linda Marousek: [email protected]
St Paul Lutheran Church is a parish of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America [ELCA] in downtown Vancouver, WA.

Christ the Teacher by Lori McDonald
"Christ the Teacher" by Lori McDonald

"Christ the Teacher" Icon by Lori McDonald
egg tempura, and gold leaf on gessoed wood panel. 10 x 7 in

Join us for a special event:
St Paul Lutheran Church to host
“Contemporary Iconography - Group Exhibition”

St Paul Lutheran Church will host the group exhibition from August 2, 2024, through August 14, 2024. The reception will be held on First Friday, August 2nd, 2024 from 5 pm to 8 pm.

St Paul Lutheran Church is at 1309 Franklin St, Vancouver, WA 98660. All are welcome!

The Contemporary Iconography Group Exhibition will share the works of contemporary icon writers, informing, educating, and illustrating the practice to our community.

Of the icon painting tradition that developed in Byzantium, with Constantinople as the chief city, we have only a few icons from the 11th century and none preceding them, in part because of the Iconoclastic reforms during which many were destroyed or lost - Wiki.

Today, the practice continues to be handed down and taught through a mentoring practice. An experienced “teacher” will share the tradition. The apprentice eventually moves out on their own, sharing this practice with others.

One icon painter and practitioner, Lori McDonald, shared, "I began painting icons in 2017 at a workshop at St. Placid's Priory in Lacey, Washington. I discovered the significance of this craft when the instructor explained that iconography was not just painting, but a form of prayer for the artist. "I use the traditional method of painting with egg tempera, which involves mixing egg yolk with water and pigments applied to a gessoed wood panel. The haloes are made of 23-karat gold. Most of the icons I paint are in a Byzantine Slavic style. I don't create the patterns; instead, I use ancient patterns, each with various symbols that hold deep meaning. Icons are painted from dark to light, in contrast to many other painting styles, as each icon is meant to bring the light of Christ into the world.” "I find great fulfillment in this art. This practice has helped to deepen my faith.”

Following the opening reception on August 2, the exhibition is open to guests during the St Paul regular office hours: Mondays 9:00 am-noon, Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9:00 am-4:00 pm closing on August 14.

All are welcome!
Opening Reception:
First Friday, August 2, 2024 at 5p - 8p
Regular Open Hours:
Mondays, at 10a -  noon
Tuesday, at 10a - 4p
Wednesdays, at 10a - 4p

. . . in the heart of Vancouver, WA

Linda Marousek with Bishop Rev. Richard E. Jaech, April 30, 2023 - Ordination & Installation as Pastor of St Paul Lutheran Church

2023 - Ordination & Installation of  Linda Marousek as Pastor of St Paul Lutheran Church. It was a wonderful day with visitors from all over the West Coast.