St. Paul Lutheran Church maintains strong relationships with the following ministry partners. Contact information for each of these organizations is located on the right side of the page.

IONA Community Anglican Church: A church plant of the Anglican church in North America, worships together at St. Paul every Saturday at 4 pm.
Chuuk Logos Communiy Church:
A gathering of Chuukese Christians worships at St. Paul every Sunday at 2 pm.
Outsiders Inn: Outsiders Inn at St. Paul operates St. Paul Men’s Shelter. Outsiders Inn’s mission is “to lift people out of homelessness through advocacy, support, and resources while serving the community with integrity, transparency, and respect.”
Share: Caring people come together with the common goal of caring for the homeless and hungry in the Vancouver area.
The Council for the Homeless: Dedicated to helping everyone in Clark County have the opportunity for safe and affordable housing.

Friends of the Carpenter: A faith-based day facility that provides safety, structure, and purpose for vulnerable members of our community. Friends of the Carpenter uses wood as a medium for crafting religious and common items, seeks to witness the love of Jesus Christ through developing relationships, providing for people’s needs in transition, and helping people connect with area congregations.
Babies in Need: Aids families in need by providing for their newborns.
Lutheran World Relief: Affirming God’s love for all people, we work with Lutherans and partners worldwide to end poverty, injustice, and human suffering.

Friends in Service to Humanity (F.I.S.H.): is a group of concerned people providing food, clothing, and other services to people in the community. Located at 906 Harney Street in Vancouver, 360-695-4903 they are open Monday–Friday 10am–3pm. Learn more at:

Winter Hospitality Overflow (W.H.O.) is a ministry to homeless people in the Vancouver area. A cooperative project of communities of faith and local service agencies, we provide welcome, shelter, hospitality, warm smiles, safety and meals during the coldest and wettest seasons of the year. In our seventh year, WHO offers shelter at both St. Paul and St. Andrew Lutheran Churches, and receives the cooperation of Share, Council for the Homeless and over 30 communities of faith in the greater Vancouver area. For more information:
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is a community of faith that shares a passion for making positive changes in the world. Our faith is built around a strong belief in God as made known to us in Jesus Christ. Through worship, service, and education, we practice our faith, grow our relationship with God and experience God’s grace in our lives. We also work hard to put our faith into action. In today’s complex world, we strive to make a difference in practical, realistic ways. With nearly 10,500 congregations across the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and nearly five million members—we welcome you to experience this church right in your community. Explore the ELCA, and help us celebrate our gift of faith—with action.

St. Paul Lutheran Church is part of the Southwestern Washington Synod of the ELCA. The word “synod” means “a way together” and is used as a term describing one of sixty-five geographical groupings of congregations in the ELCA. The Southwestern Washington Synod is comprised of 92 congregations in an area spanning from Federal Way to the Washington-Oregon border and from the Cascades to the Pacific Ocean. The synod assists congregations and rostered leaders with their functioning as a congregation, providing resources, guidance and oversight to many areas of congregational life. Learn More